Upper Poudre Canyon Blood Drive
Dear Upper Canyon Neighbor,
Blood and blood products are a critical part of everyday medical care. Car accident and blood loss victims alone may need transfusions of 100 units or more of red blood cells.
Lifesaving blood offers second chances and many tomorrows to those who depend on it. Please join us at our blood drive on 07/19/2024 at 10:30 AM. You'll feel incredible knowing you could be saving up to three people's lives.
Schedule your appointment now.
Make your appointment today to donate at:
Upper Poudre Canyon Association
10:30 AM to 02:30 PM
33689 Poudre Canyon Road, BELLVUE, CO 80512
Upper Poudre Canyon Association
Upper Poudre Canyon Community -- 1005601
Multiply your impact on patients with the Vitalant Refer a Friend Program. Many people say they never donated blood because they've never been asked. You can help by making that personal ask. Find out more here.
Don't forget! Save up to 20 minutes on your visit by filling out your Fast Track Health History questionnaire online the day you donate. You may also access Fast Track from your donor account as long as you have an appointment scheduled and it's the day of your donation.
Visit Vitalant's website for more information on preparing for your donation and the donation process.
Because of you, life doesn't stop. If you'd like to schedule an appointment or have any questions, please call or email me.
Warmest regards,
Brenda Bliss
bkbliss629@gmail.com, 970 881-2209
Thank you for transforming lives with Vitalant.